Monday, November 17, 2014

Processing The News

This article was talking about taking photojournalism pictures and then editing them. It talks about how much editing is too much editing to still be considered a photojournalism picture. It says that people don't really realize how big the digital world is and how much people can really change an image and still make it look natural and real, which is extremely true. Something interesting I learned from this article is that the reason many photographers edit their pictures is because they see flaws that can be fixed by the photoshop tools they have. However, in photojournalism the flaws that the photographer would usually fix are the things that make the story more interesting so they shouldn't "fix" them at all. Instead they should tell the story from the original picture that comes from the camera because it makes for a more interesting story. Thats also one thing I took from this article. Usually I like to edit my pictures a lot and take out every flaw I see, but for this photojournalism project I won't because the flaws will show the true story I'm trying to capture. By not over editing my pictures they will look and be more real and will tell the true story better than pictures with a lot of photoshop fixes done to them. 

Photojournalism Project Proposal

I'm going to do my photojournalism project on Cumberland Valley Clay Club. I really like pottery class and I've always wanted to photograph the process of building pieces out of clay and throwing and things like that. I've seen other photographic pictures of pottery and throwing and they all look so interesting, especially the ones that are taken of people on the wheel while the clay in moving. I've just always liked pictures of pottery and building pottery so I can connect to the pictures I'll be taking a lot.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Pennlive Article Notes

Article: Allegheny National Forest Fits For Fall Foliage

By: Ann Witmer


Summary: This article talks about Pennsylvania's national forest, Allegheny National Forest. It talks all about the experiences you can have at this national forest and all about the trees and nature in the national forest. All the pictures that went along with this article were fantastic! They made me want to visit Allegheny National Forest! (which is kinda the point). All the views and trees look fantastic and they really capture what it would be like to be at Allegheny National Forest and to be hiking or driving on the trails and be in the forest itself. All the pictures related to what the author put in the article and how she talked about the forest. The photos below are two of my favorite photojournalism pictures from this article.

The American Teenager Project Notes

The American Teenager Project aims to stop social division among teenagers and create a sense of empathy toward the struggle of being an adolescent. After earning a degree in anthropology, Robin Bowman, the founder of The American Teenager Project, she independently studied with a Maine Photographic Workshop and Magnum Photos that lead her to become a professional photographer. Since then she has become incredibly famous. Robin's photojournalism work is different because it captures the story of the person in the photograph instead of capturing an event or news story. However, it is still photojournalism because she is telling a story with these shots.  I like how the photos are simple, all of them have a small depth of field which I like because I like the subject being really clear but the backgrounds being boring. I don't like how all the pictures are in black and white and the fact that they are very plain. There's not a lot of differentiation between the shots. I also think some of the photos are really strangely posed which I also dislike.

 This one is my favorite one I found on Robin's website.

 I thought this one was really nice even though it's really simple.

 This is one of the photos that I think is posed awkwardly, I don't enjoy this one as much. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Expression Panel Sketch


My model was my brother's girlfriend, Irie. She's a really giggley nature lover so all the shots are of her smiling and laughing outside. I don't love portrait photography so I didn't really love this project, but it was fun to take pretty pictures of one of my friends. While I didn't like the project too much, I do like most my end results. I think some of them turned out really really well. My model and everybody else I showed the pictures to really loved them, they all said I did a great job with the shot and capturing her personality in the pictures. One tip I would give to someone doing this project is to find a model that really wants to be your model, otherwise it's not going to be as much fun as it could be and your shots won't turn out as good as you'd like. The most challenging aspect of this project was taking pictures that I was happy with because I'm a perfectionist. Also, finding poses that looked good and natural was challenging. I think that I got good angles and nice backgrounds in the pictures even though I had some challenges to overcome.