Monday, September 29, 2014


I'm officially obsessed with HDR Photography and the way they make images look!!! This project made me think more about my subject matter rather than just snapping a photo because it's cool. 

I chose Hempt Farms for this shot because I drive past it every morning coming to school and I always think it looks beautiful when the sun is rising. If the sun wasn't rising in this picture I feel it wouldn't be as dynamic and interesting as it is. I focused on the leading lines in this shot because the fence goes right in the front of the picture and also runs all through it making many different lines throughout it. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/50, 1/200, 1/13)

This picture is of my favorite roller coaster at Hershey Park, the Fahrenheit. I took a picture of the roller coaster from a different point of view because it's already such a complex thing and using a different view point to look at it makes it even more interesting. If there was more light used in this picture you may not be able to see the shadows and reflections of the roller coaster so I like that there isn't a large source of light in it. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/50, 1/200, 1/13)
This is a weeping willow tree against water. Weeping willows are my favorite kind of trees so I'm proud of this shot because of how awesome the tree looks against the background and water. The light in the background creates awesome reflections in the ripples of the water. I also like the fence in the back and how it creates leading lines throughout the photo. This picture is my symmetrical balance picture because everything about it is very symmetrical. (ISO:200, F/22. Shutter Speed: 8'', 1/5, 3.2'')

I tried to be artsy with my framing shots. This shot was taken from my tire swings in my backyard. The sunglasses are framing my side yard, some of my house, and my neighbors rows of trees. I sit in my backyard under this tree and on these tire swings a lot so thats why I chose to take a shot here. The sun coming through the trees gives a really good effect in the sunglasses and on them. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: .4'', 1/10, 1.6'')
This is above my roof looking from my porch. I sit on my porch a lot and look at the sky because it's one of my favorite things. One day before school the clouds and tree looked really nice because of the sun rise. I like this picture because its asymmetrically balanced but still looks balanced because of the clouds on one side and the tree on the other. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/15, 1/15, 1/60)
The other morning coming to school my car broke down next to Hempt Farms. It made me really angry but I got this great repetition shot of a corn field against the sun rise. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/50, 1/200, 1/13)

1 comment:

  1. Which picture goes with...
    Symmetrical balance Weeping Willow with fence

    Repetition / pattern The field

    Different point of view / perspective Roller Coaster

    Asymmetrical balance Tree

    Framing Sun Glasses

    Lines (leading, diagonal, horizontal, vertical) Sun Rise

    Which photo has the best composition? Why?
    I think that your repetition photo has the best composition. Because, the sun actually falls on one of the lower rule of thirds intersection points, which is different from most photos which would use the top two. You also set up the photo so that your horizon line is slightly higher that mid way.

    Which photo would you hang on your wall? Why?
    I would hang the sun rise photo on my wall. Because There is so much happening in it I could just sit there and stare at it. Along with that, the colors are very vibrant and could brighten or set the tone for any room.

    Which photo could use a little work? What needs done? (composition/lighting/cropping/camera angle/camera technique)
    I feel that your asymmetrical balance photo could use a little work. Nothing needs to be done with a camera, just some editing. I like the way the sky looks but I think that you could make the greens on the tree pop a bit more, other than that the photo is great!

    When looking at the entire set of images what do they say about the photographer? Can you determine anything about the person by looking at their photos? Do they tell a story or are they just a collection of images?
    I can tell that you are a very “Outdoorsy-kinda-person” by the photos you posted. But at the same time you showed that you like to have fun, and a good thrill every now and again with your photo of the roller coaster.
