Monday, September 29, 2014


I'm officially obsessed with HDR Photography and the way they make images look!!! This project made me think more about my subject matter rather than just snapping a photo because it's cool. 

I chose Hempt Farms for this shot because I drive past it every morning coming to school and I always think it looks beautiful when the sun is rising. If the sun wasn't rising in this picture I feel it wouldn't be as dynamic and interesting as it is. I focused on the leading lines in this shot because the fence goes right in the front of the picture and also runs all through it making many different lines throughout it. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/50, 1/200, 1/13)

This picture is of my favorite roller coaster at Hershey Park, the Fahrenheit. I took a picture of the roller coaster from a different point of view because it's already such a complex thing and using a different view point to look at it makes it even more interesting. If there was more light used in this picture you may not be able to see the shadows and reflections of the roller coaster so I like that there isn't a large source of light in it. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/50, 1/200, 1/13)
This is a weeping willow tree against water. Weeping willows are my favorite kind of trees so I'm proud of this shot because of how awesome the tree looks against the background and water. The light in the background creates awesome reflections in the ripples of the water. I also like the fence in the back and how it creates leading lines throughout the photo. This picture is my symmetrical balance picture because everything about it is very symmetrical. (ISO:200, F/22. Shutter Speed: 8'', 1/5, 3.2'')

I tried to be artsy with my framing shots. This shot was taken from my tire swings in my backyard. The sunglasses are framing my side yard, some of my house, and my neighbors rows of trees. I sit in my backyard under this tree and on these tire swings a lot so thats why I chose to take a shot here. The sun coming through the trees gives a really good effect in the sunglasses and on them. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: .4'', 1/10, 1.6'')
This is above my roof looking from my porch. I sit on my porch a lot and look at the sky because it's one of my favorite things. One day before school the clouds and tree looked really nice because of the sun rise. I like this picture because its asymmetrically balanced but still looks balanced because of the clouds on one side and the tree on the other. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/15, 1/15, 1/60)
The other morning coming to school my car broke down next to Hempt Farms. It made me really angry but I got this great repetition shot of a corn field against the sun rise. (ISO:200, F/22, Shutter Speed: 1/50, 1/200, 1/13)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Personal Shot List

  • my house
  • my room
  • my cars
  • my porch
  • my yard
  • my boyfriends house
  • Hempt Farms- I pass it everyday coming to school and I really love it and always have
  • in-town Mechanicsburg- It's been my home my whole life
  • overlook from the top of Sterrets Gap- This is how I get to my grandmothers house
  • Flea Market- I go to the Flea Market every sunday with my mom
  • Gettysburg- Me and my family go here a lot and we always have an amazing time
  • Hershey Park- Me and my mom go here together, this is where I got her to ride her first roller coaster!

Friday, September 19, 2014

HDR Notes

  • you NEED a tripod
  • don't over invert contrast between highlights and shadows
  • don't over edit in HDR program, open the image in Photoshop and edit it there
  • HDR can be used to make a graphic impression on people, not meant to always look realistic

Inspiring HDR Photos

I really like fields of flowers and have always wanted to take a photo shoot in one. I really like this picture because sunflowers are my favorite flower and i am now obsessed with HDR photos.
This picture is cool because the sun is framed by the rocks. Also theres a lot of texture from the rocks to the water.
 I like this picture because it's in black and white and I didn't find many HDR pictures I liked. It also has good leading lines going into the picture and across it.
 The sky looks amazing in this picture. Also I like how clear everything is, you can really see all the different parts of the mountains in the background but it doesn't take away from the tree in the front.
This picture is nice because it looks more like a painting. The sky in this picture looks really good too. I like the ripples in the water that lead your eye to the reflection of the tree and then to the tree itself.
The leading line of green goes straight down the middle with browns on either side of it which really highlights the green. The sky in this one looks good too.

HDR Practice Photos

 This is the shot I chose for my inside photo. I really like this picture because it has good leading lines and you can see the reflection of the wall in the windows of the library. This picture captures CV because we have a really big and great library here. 
(F/Stop:22, ISO:400, Shutter Speed: 1/8, 2'', .5'')
This is the big CV on the outside of the building. Obviously this captures CV as a school because its the main entrance to our building. 
(F/Stop:22, ISO:100, Shutter Speed: 1/200, 1/800, 1/50)
I really like this shot because it doesn't look like it was taken at school. I took this in our little court yard that some of the agriculture kids made. I chose this location because you can't tell it's at school when really this court yard is connected to the school. 
(F/Stop:22, ISO:100, Shutter Speed: 1/400, 1/1600, 1/100)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Identity Project

I really like nature and the out doors so for most my sketch book I chose pictures I had taken outside during all different seasons because I love them all. I put my senior picture in the middle because I'm a senior this year and the picture shows my personality well. I'm always smiling and talking, and I was actually talking when the photographer took my picture. The quote I chose was "Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it." This quote describes me because I always try my best to treat others the way I want to be treated and to be positive even in negative situations. I feel with these characteristics I can live a happy and pleasureful life. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Best Summer Photo

This is my favorite photo I took over the summer. I really like the composition and the colors in the photo. My favorite thing to photograph is the sky, and the sky in this picture looks fantastic. The scale and proportion of the monument compared to the people really shows how colossal the monument really is. I also like the reflection of the monument in the reflection pool and the leading line it creates that leads straight to the monument. I think everything about this picture is really interesting to look at, from the dark black in the monument and the trees, to the color of the sky at sunset, and especially the reflections going on in the reflection pool.