Friday, February 13, 2015

Social Issue PSA



My social issue was water pollution. I chose this issue because I feel like a lot of people in the world don't really know how big of an issue water pollution really is because they are not forced to be subjected to it while people in other parts of the world have no choice but to drink dirty water and contract diseases from it. I hope that from these ads people will really see how horrifying the issue of water pollution really is in the world today. It's not just an issue for the future, it's extremely relevant now! and we need to do something about it. My target audience would be adults mainly, but also teenagers. Basically any person that has control of recycling, pollution control, or cares about the issue. My unique selling point is me putting actual trash in water instead of making an ad showing how clean the water could be. My slogan is "Make a cleaner tomorrow by recycling today" with the world emoji as sort of the period on the sentence. I had a lot of fun making this project and I'm hoping it will actually make people think about the trash they throw away and where it might end up. I really like the results of my project, I think it looks visually appealing and also stunning to the issue I'm trying to portray. Some tips I could give to another person doing this project is have a definite vision of how you want the piece to look, and then when trying to make the project change your vision to fit what will work realistically. What's really challenging is having a vision you like a lot and not being able to really make it how you want it to turn out. That was my problem with my billboard design. However, I think the photographs I took really represent my social issue nicely. 

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