Monday, February 2, 2015

Advertising Shooting Assignment

Social Issue: Water Pollution

Personally I liked this shooting assignment. Usually the assignments in photography class are about making beautiful images, but this one was about sort of an ugly issue and taking a stand on it. I liked having to think outside the box on what to shoot and how to go about taking the shots. I think some of my shots could have been better, like the plastic floating in the water, but I really liked the shots of the trash in the cup of water. It was challenging to get the ideas and turn them into something that looked good and not overly photoshop because thats not my style of photography. I would probably retake all the shots. I would retake the plastic bag in water shots because the water didn't get to the color I wanted it to be and it's hard to tell the plastic bag is in the shape of a turtle. The only thing i would change about the glass of water shots is that I didn't shoot them on an infinite black background and I photoshopped the black around the cup and I think you can tell if you look close enough. But in the end I liked the assignment and my shots. 

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