Thursday, January 15, 2015

Advertisement Analysis

Ad on: Bullying
TA: School Students
USP: a funny take on a well known form of bullying
Theme: funny
Slogan: Don't Bully
Text/Copy: Nerds today, Bosses tomorrow

Ad on: Smoking
TA; Adults who smoke/are around people who smoke cigarettes
USP: puts a slightly funny twist on the smoking, because obviously its not glamorous but some people smoke to seem cool
Theme: funny but also serious
Slogan: Smoking is very glamorous
Text/Copy: Smoking is very glamorous

Ad on: Texting and Driving
TA: People who are old enough to drive that also have cell phones
USP: uses seriousness and doesnt show someone actually texting behind the wheel
Theme: serious
Slogan: Distracted driving shatters lives.
Text/Copy: Kill the conversation, not yourself.

Ad on: Drug Abuse
TA: Teens
USP: shows a before and after without doing the 'before' 'after' pictures
Theme: serious/fear
Slogan: Choose your side
Text/Copy: Drugs can lead to a slow and painful death. Don't start in the first place!

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