Thursday, December 18, 2014

Social Issue Ad Campaign Examples and A List Of Social Issues

I like this ad because of the creativity that they used. I would not have thought about using a book to show not to smoke.

I like this ad because I care about the environment a lot and the amount of trees we cut down is insane to how many we plant. The world can't sustain the abuse we put on it and I think doing a public service announcement on how to help the environment is a good idea.

I also like this ad because of the issue behind it. We can't just pollute the environment and keep taking things from it and expect it to be perfect still. We need to realize that we have to help the environment and not just keep destroying it. 
I really like these ads because it shows that some animals are killed just for their furs and skins which is not right at all. The ad slogan was "They weren't born to be worn". I really like the concept behind these ads.

Ideas For Social Issue Ad:
- Environment Concerns (Deforestation, Pollution, Animal Abuse, Animal Extinction, Animal Exploitation etc...)
- Smoking
- Bullying (physical, emotional, cyber, etc...)
- Abuse/Harassment
- Texting While Driving
- Drinking and Driving
- Drug Abuse
- Diversity (family, social groups, culture, ethnicity, etc...)
- Abortion 
- Tattoos
- Smoking (in general, around children, etc...)
- Gun Rights
- Cliques 
- Stereotypes
- Police Brutality
- Cancer Awareness
- Discrimination (clothing, gay bashing, gender, ethnicity, etc...)
- Child Soldiers
- Teen Pregnancy
- Slave Workers
- Getting Active (playing outside, getting healthy, etc...)
- Technology Dependance
- Hunger/Poverty
- Health Concerns (food you eat, eating disorders, personal health, etc...)
- Religion
- Food Industry
- Child Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Divorce/Child Support
- Stress
- Mental Issues (depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, ADHD, etc...)
- Terrorism 
- Video Games
- Immigration 

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