Friday, December 19, 2014

Social Issue Project Proposal

I plan to do my project on Environmental Pollution because I think this is a really prevalent issue in our society today because everyday I walk out my front door and see trash all over the roads and ground and it ruins our beautiful Earth. I believe that in this day and age we take too much from the Earth without giving enough back to it and eventually this will catch up with us. Just going around and polluting the world isn't healthy for us or the generations to come. We need to understand that the world can't sustain our activities if they continue the way they are going. I can motivate people about cutting back on the pollution happening by showing how much pollution really happens every day and how devastating it is to the environment. Also by explaining how many types of Environmental Pollution their are, such as air pollution, water pollution, energy pollution, or just simply Earth pollution.

Facts On Pollution:

1. Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people worldwide everyday.
2. 14 million pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year. Most of this trash is plastic.
3. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed each year by pollution.
4. Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming.
5. Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm water, and industrial waste are dumped into US waters.
6. More than 1 million people worldwide don't have access to clean drinking water.
7. 5,000 people die every day from drinking unsafe water.
8. Children contribute to 10% of the worlds pollution but are prone to 40% of global diseases.
9. Nearly 3 million kids under the age of 5 die every year due to environmental factors like pollution.
10. Almost 80% of urban waste in India is dumped in the Ganges River.
11. In India, the Ganges River water is gradually becoming septic, especially due to the dumping of half burnt bodies and enshrouded babies.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Social Issue Ad Campaign Examples and A List Of Social Issues

I like this ad because of the creativity that they used. I would not have thought about using a book to show not to smoke.

I like this ad because I care about the environment a lot and the amount of trees we cut down is insane to how many we plant. The world can't sustain the abuse we put on it and I think doing a public service announcement on how to help the environment is a good idea.

I also like this ad because of the issue behind it. We can't just pollute the environment and keep taking things from it and expect it to be perfect still. We need to realize that we have to help the environment and not just keep destroying it. 
I really like these ads because it shows that some animals are killed just for their furs and skins which is not right at all. The ad slogan was "They weren't born to be worn". I really like the concept behind these ads.

Ideas For Social Issue Ad:
- Environment Concerns (Deforestation, Pollution, Animal Abuse, Animal Extinction, Animal Exploitation etc...)
- Smoking
- Bullying (physical, emotional, cyber, etc...)
- Abuse/Harassment
- Texting While Driving
- Drinking and Driving
- Drug Abuse
- Diversity (family, social groups, culture, ethnicity, etc...)
- Abortion 
- Tattoos
- Smoking (in general, around children, etc...)
- Gun Rights
- Cliques 
- Stereotypes
- Police Brutality
- Cancer Awareness
- Discrimination (clothing, gay bashing, gender, ethnicity, etc...)
- Child Soldiers
- Teen Pregnancy
- Slave Workers
- Getting Active (playing outside, getting healthy, etc...)
- Technology Dependance
- Hunger/Poverty
- Health Concerns (food you eat, eating disorders, personal health, etc...)
- Religion
- Food Industry
- Child Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Divorce/Child Support
- Stress
- Mental Issues (depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, ADHD, etc...)
- Terrorism 
- Video Games
- Immigration 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Photojournalism- From Mud To Masterpiece: The Everyday Life Of Clay

How can an artistic medium be so beautiful when it is found simply by digging deep into the Earth? Although it doesn't seem like something that can be made into art, it is one of the Cumberland     Valley Potters' favorite mediums to use. During 2nd period Advanced Pottery Class, all the amateur potters are hard at work making their latest masterpieces. although there is so much you can         make and do with clay, Olivia Bittings' favorite part about pottery class is simply "the process of starting with a ball of clay and turning it into a beautiful, personalized piece of art." There are so many different ways to personalize pottery. For example, there are additive and reductive processes that can be used to add or remove clay from a form to allow textures, patterns, and designs to be seen on the piece. Not to mention just deciding whether to hand build or throw the form to begin with!
(On the bisque wear shelf in the Kiln Room you can find an array of thrown and hand built forms.)
Even though making a piece that is unique, structurally sound, and also pleasing to look at is hard, "My favorite part about pottery is how good you feel when you finally make that perfect piece" says Josh Stewart, an AP Pottery student. 
(Josh Stewart glazing his finished tea pot form.)
It is obvious that creating pottery masterpieces is not the easiest thing in the world, and to Colton Gsell, "Just throwing is the hardest part about pottery." But creating beautiful pottery, no matter how challenging it may be, is worth doing to all the students in room 166 every day. 

Trimming a piece after throwing it allows you to make the form lighter and more visually appealing.

Casey Waken throwing with white stoneware.

Wedging the clay before you throw with it helps it get to the correct consistency.

Olivia Bitting glazing low fire textiles.

This form was made by both throwing and hand building processes.

The pottery tool cabinet is what all the students rely of to sculpt their clay masterpieces.

During 9th period Pottery Class, Ms. King helps Rachel Curner, a new potter, develop her throwing skills.

Glaze textiles are made to test the color of the glaze before it is used on a finished piece.

The Kiln Room is where all pottery goes to be fired.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Photojournalism Shooting Assignment

This project mixed my two favorite subjects, Photo and Pottery! I really enjoyed taking these shots because I love pottery and I love taking pictures. I just all around really liked this project, the way my shots turned out, and I enjoyed myself while taking the shots as well.(: